Monday, September 21, 2009

Progress....MY DOCUMENTARY!!! I'm sitting at my computer today, music blaring from my speakers, editing my synopsis....avoiding packing, oh yeah, we're moving right now too! I pick up in my normal tone and say, "Hello." Voice:'s Mark. AAAHHHHH! I instantly knew that this was good....REALLY GOOD! Mark: I'm ready to move ahead with the documentary. You ready to go? JM: Silence. Heart beats rapidly, takes a quick gulp of courage. Uh....yeah, how are you? (I was jumping up and down in my office, biting my fist as he continued.) Long story short, this is IT. Not only is this the credit I've been working so hard for but, a job, a paid write. And the best part of it....he wants me to work on writing something else, another project, for his production company, something we're going to collaborate on and FILM oh yeah, FILM. I'm trying to calm down and stay grounded because so much could simply fall through, I realize that but, right's standing firm....we're moving ahead w/ MY DOCUMENTARY. Its hard to even type, let alone realize or say out loud. I was almost embarrassed when I told my husband, I don't know why, I just was. I can't believe this is happening so quickly. I'm sorry if this is such an excited post but, it just happened. I called my husband, and my best gal pals, my mom, and now....I'm telling you all. I'm so excited because this seems like the beginning of a really happy time in my life, doing what I've always known I should be doing, and ridiculous as it may be, getting paid for it. She said what? Thanks to everyone who's supported me and helped me up until now, and everyone who's going to continue to listen to my rambles as this exhilarating chapter in my hectic life. I'm going to need the support :) -JM Crawford


  1. hahaha! Well done, my friend. Don't you stress, you have support :) Tons of it! You know that.

    It's so cool to see such a great result come from all our hard work. Shame we can't bottle it, eh girl!

    Don't forget, YOU did this. Take confidence in that. Enjoy it to the max!


Love to hear what you're thinking!