Monday, November 9, 2009


Hi friends! Okay, so I'm two weeks into my submissions process, and already learning some invaluable lessons. For One: I've now received 3 requests for my partial in a matter of two weeks. That has me pretty excited. But, it's only the first step! A good step, don't get me wrong, but a baby step it is. The first agent who requested a partial was on my list of New York DREAM AGENTS, seriously. So, when I heard from her *gulp* I couldn't believe it. She wanted my partial. WOW! And, not only that...she requested it in less than twenty-four hours after recieving my e-query. I was stunned. From all of my research, and the horror stories regarding the length of time before you hear back...I was blown away. So, I sent her the partial. Meantime, I recieved another request for my partial...from another agent whom I never thought I'd hear from. I feaverishly began getting that package together, and praying that it didn't dissappoint. I had butterflies in my stomach as I slipped it into the tall, blue, metal bin that would consume it forever: (aka, the mailbox). Two days later, I hear from the New York DREAM AGENT, who sends me the most gracious email. Sure, she rejected it, but not w/ a form letter, or by saying anything cruel. She sent me a critique. I couldn't believe it. She actually took the time out of her insanely busy day to personalize a letter and critique--for lil' old me. Seriously. When I read it...I got exactly what she saw...and felt...and read. It inspired me to make a few changes...amazing changes...and now my manuscript is definately for the better, and I the wiser. WOW...I want to send her like, oh, I dunknow, a hunky male model singing graham thank you. But, realistically, I'm dying to send her at least a quick thank-you but, don't know if it would be a faux pau or not to contact the agent w/o her inviting me to do so. Someday...when I'm a famous author...I'll do it, though, and I'll tell her how much her words of guidance and rejection meant to me...when I was still down of the aspiring thousands. I still have yet to hear from the other two requesting agents, and recieved two flat out: No, Thank You's (which I completely expected.) I'm still blow away at the quick, positive response I've recieved thus far. Now, I know I'm on the right track...I'm on my way. But not w/o the help of all of my friends in writing...everyone on the same course...and a few writing pros on Twitter, and out in the real world. Everyone is so completely forthcoming with hardcore, honest's motivating...all of you are motivating. Another funny little part of my submission experience thus far, my seven y.o. son, Connor, sees me celebrating re: my partial requests, and made me a card. It said, "Mom, your good, Im good, and your book is good. Love, Connor your boy. Does it get any better than that? Does it? I don't see how. Talk to everyone soon!